This album features the pottery and small finds excavated by A.J.B. Wace and his team during the summer of 1953 at Mycenae. During this season, key objectives included the further excavation of the Prehistoric cemetery north-west beyond the citadel walls, investigation of the Poros Wall and Perseia area and continuation of uncovering the House of the Oil Merchant complex, which to its north and south now included the House of Shields and House of Sphinxes respectively. Excavation also resumed in the citadel, between the South House and Tsountas House, in an area the British team referred to as the 'Citadel House'.
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Iron & bronze ring = 53-6212
Iron pins stuck together = 53-632
Dagger = 53-125
Pin =53-636
lid = 53-301
handles = 53-244, 53-245
lid rims = 53-249