This album features the small finds excavated during the British team’s 1939 season at Mycenae. Photographs are arranged in order of registered find number. At the end of the sequence, unregistered sherds are arranged according to their ‘P’ (full photographic plate) series negative number. ‘P1’ and ‘P21’ are images of sherds excavated during the 1920-1921 seasons, but they are incorporated in the 1939 series, when they were studied and photographed for the first time. The archive often holds duplicate prints of the same photograph. When this is the case, the image on view here is identified by its ‘part’ (or piece) number.
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39-127 bowl, 39-199 sherd, 39-243 sherd
The Prinaria on the citadel, is below the North terrace of the Archaic Temple. See Wace, A. J. B., and Porada, E. (1957). Part II. A Faience Cylinder. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 52, 197–204, p. 197, note 1, "In the excavation notebooks and on the labels this area was known as 'Prinaria' from the oak scrub'.
39-170 = faience cylinder
39-174 = gold pomegranate
39-175 = gold Argonaut
39-456 = gold pendant triangle
39-195 (right of photo), find site = Temple, on rock in Schliemann's trial pit
39-551 (left of photo), find site =Temple, Prinaria
bottom row left to right: 39-236, 39-237, 39-238, 39-239
top row left to right: 39-240, 39-241, 39-242
39-305 = tea cup sherd
39-402 = frgament Vaphio cup
39-403 = tea cup sherd
39-404 = tea cup hserd with running spiral
39-530 = jug
Find site 'Gymnasium' west end, south trial trench by pithos burial.
Part i: AJBW annotated in ink on v.
Part ii: EBWF annotated in pencil on v.
39-262 find site = Pithos burial by 'Gymnasium'
39-573 = Temple, Prinaria, Stratum 8